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作者:   来源: IAHR中国分会秘书处  发布日期: 2010-06-01 








IAHR各委员会与会员之间的交流沟通将通过电子会员平台(E-membership platform)得到进一步加强,这也是IAHR新网站的一部分。我希望这个电子会员平台可以促进会员之间的交流,并从各个层面推进学会工作的开展。




根据以上统计数据,可以大概计算出学术人员和工程师在IAHR大会中的“论文贡献系数”。IAHR的许多会员都在国家与公共和私人机构中(例如咨询、企业及电力公司)研究所工作,我们把那些不在纯学术界服务的会员称之为“实践工程师(practicing engineers)”,因为他们提交的文章更侧重于具体的工程而不是基本的研究。

学术界会员占IAHR会员总数的43%,贡献了IAHR大会73%的论文,“论文贡献系数”为1.70。另一方面,工程师会员的“论文贡献系数”为0.47。这表明,如果在IAHR大会中每个学术界会员都提交一篇论文的话,大约四分之一的工程师会员提交一篇论文。大家是如何看待这个比值: 3.6比1?这对IAHR和业界是有益的吗?如果“实践工程师”也包括研究机构的会员,那么非研究机构会员提交的与工程相关的论文数将更少!


IAHR理事会批准成立了“工程实践特别委员会”,由瑞士洛桑联邦技术学院Anton Schleiss教授担任主席。委员会将寻求更好的方式鼓励实践工程师在IAHR会议上提交论文,在IAHR会议中举办“杰出工程实践”特别分会,并在论文审查过程中对来自工程实践领域的论文予以支持。希望IAHR大会藉此能建立一个包括研究人员、工程师、水利行业管理人员以及设备制造商等各领域的会员的融合点。


IAHR国际防洪计划工作小组是同联合国教科文组织国际防洪行动小组(UNESCO IFI)的联络通道。众所周知,全世界每年都有许多国家遭受洪灾所带来的破坏。IAHR气候变化工作小组是同一些关于气候变化影响和应对气候变化工程措施的国际会议的链接点。每年全球有很多关于气候变化的国际会议,我们学会更需要通过这些平台展示出我们的研究成果。IAHR应用水文学工作小组和联合国世界气象组织(WMO)的水文机构开始了合作。IAHR海洋可再生能源工作小组通过一些国际会议阐述了应对气候变化的举措。








President’s New Year Message for 2010

Put new wine into new bottles!


Dear Members!

At the beginning of the New Year I would like to send my message for 2010 as President of IAHR

A New Year under a New Name for the Association

The year 2010 is the first year for IAHR under its new name of “the International Association for Hydro—Environment Engineering and Research” which was announced in the “Highlights from the Vancouver Congress” in Hydrolink No 5.2009.  As President of lAHR I am fully-committed to fulfill my duty to bring about real change in the performance of IAHR under our new structure!

The year 2010 is our 75th anniversary and we will celebrate this with a special issue of Hydrolink and at our Regional Congresses. They say that we should consult the past lf we want to learn about the future! The Seventy—fifth Anniversary is a good occasion for the New lAHR to consider the future.

I would like to draw your attention to one change related to the new structure which directly concerns each individual member.All individual members are requested to register their interest in up to three specific Technical Committees—this should be done on the lAHR website!

The objective of this registration of member interests in a limited number of Committees is to enhance direct interaction between the Leadership team of the Technical Committee/Technical Division and individuaI members.Members will be able to directly elect Committee Members once this new system is in place.

The implementation of the new Committee relationship with members will be managed through an E—membership platform which is under development as part of a new IAHR website. I hope the e—membership platform will facilitate closer contact amongst members and with the Council for“ bottom—up’’ type activities in lAHR

Academics in the Membership and the Vancouver Congress

IAHR has carried the word “Engineering” in the name of the Association since 1 999. it has been a lasting desire of IAHR to develop a better bridge between engineering and research.An analysis of the Membership Directory on the lAHR website dated October 14,2009.shows“984”entries with the key word “univ”. On this basis the number of members in academia can be estimated at about 43%of the total membership as of the last day of 2008.Although the figure does not include all our academic members. I use this number in this article due to the lack of more detailed statistics.  I carried out a simple survey on the distribution of contributors to the World Congress of IAHR from universities and others in order to determine the interests of registrants to the World Congress. I utilized the record of the LOC of the recent Vancouver Congress.The accepted abstracts submitted from university faculty and graduate students amounted to 73%of the total .

Coefficient of Paper Contributions

Based on the data of the Membership Directory and accepted abstracts in the Vancouver Congress,we can calculate a“coefficient of paper contributions” for the Congress by academics and practicing engineers.IAHR has many members who work in research Institutes of national and public organizations as well as those of private sectors including consultants,contractors,and electric power companies. In this article members other than in academia are called “practicing engineers” for reasons of simplicity and given the fact that their targets are to contribute to real projects rather than basic research.

Forty-three percent of our members (academics)produced seventy—three percent of the papers presented at the Congress which corresponds to a “coefficient of paper contribution”for academics of 1.70.On the other hand, the “coefficient of paper contribution” for practicing engineers works out at 0.47.This coefficient demonstrates that if each member in academia presents a paper in the Congress,only one engineer among four presents a paper in the Congress as a rounded number.What do you think of this ratio in coefficient,that is, 3.6 to 1 ? Is this good for IAHR and our community? If we consider that the category“practicing engineer” includes also our members working in research institutes then the number of non—research engineers presenting papers relating to projects is even fewer!

Excellence in Engineering Practice

The Council approved the establishment of a Task Force on “Excellence in Engineering Practice”,chaired by Prof.Anton Schleiss, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne.The action plan of the Task Force includes identifying better ways to encourage paper submission from practicing engineers, to propose special sessions for papers in “Excellence in Engineering Practice” in several technical themes,and to propose an appropriate review procedure for selection of papers from the stand point of excellence in engineering practice.I hope that the IAHR World Congress develops into a melting pot for researchers, practicing engineers, water managers,  manufacturers o f instruments, and so on.

Challenges for IAHR in innovative Areas l would Iike to briefly describe the strategy of lAHR on innovative research areas and global water dialogues. IAHR has several Working Groups(WGs)under the Standing Committee on Global Water issues.We need these WGs To stimulate both the internal and external activities of IAHR. From the internal point of view we need the WGs as a focal point for cross sectoral and holistic research activities inside IAHR connecting to the activities of the various Technical Committees.For the ”outside world” we need a gateway to connect the expertise of our community with other water disciplines and stakeholders.

The WG on International Flood initiative is a doorway to UNESCO lFl.As you know we are suffering from severe flood damages every year in many countries around the world.The WG on Climate Change(CC)is a link point to world conferences on impacts of CC on the water world and adaptation to CC in engineering practice.There are many international conferences On CC and our community needs to be represented to show our achievements on this topic.The WG on Applied Hydrology is a doorway to the Commission On Hydrology of WMO. The new WG on Marine Renewable energy is a doorway to world conferences on mitigation of CC

How to Avoid Fragmentation

Suppose we have a white committee,a black committee,a red committee,a yellow committee,a blue committee,and a green committee in IAHR.As global water dialogues become intense under the pressure of Climate Change and water scarcity, IAHR needs to create a new color different from the primary colors mentioned above.This does not mean we should create a pink committee, for instance.If we follow this direction.We need to establish so many committees because the number of combination of primary colors is indefinitely large.I believe that instead we can accomplish our aims by management of the Association based on cross—sectoral and interdisciplinary activities of committees,because IAHR is not a simple collection of committees. I suggested to the Council of IAHR to take a more flexible approach and to establish a WG which can select desirable level of combination of colors for each specific subject required for lAHR.


Concluding Remarks

Our Association has been restructured and a new name approved! Now I invite all members to actively take up the challenge of contributing to a reinvigorated hydro—environment engineering and research community occupying a central place in the water world!

I would like to conclude this message by extending my best wishes for 2010 and that it brings personal and professional satisfaction in your lives.

Prof. Nobuyuki Tamai

IAHR President


International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research
China (Mainland) Chapter
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