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作者:   来源:   发布日期: 2010-04-05 

IAHR 学术分会包括17个技术委员会,满足广大会员的学术研究和工程应用的需求。各技术分会由IAHR会员组成,每个会员可根据自己从事的专业兴趣选择加入相关领域的一个或多个委员会,委员会定期地、经常地组织本领域的专业会议或研讨会,成立工作小组对特定主题进行合作研究,并出版专著。

Division I - IAHR Hydraulics 学术分会I—— 水力学分会

1、Committee on Fluid Mechanics 流体力学委员会


主席:Prof. George Constantinescu
University of Iowa, Dept. Civil and Environmental Engineering,
IIHR - Hydraulics and Engineering,
E-mail: sconstan@engineering.uiowa.edu

2、Committee on Experimental Methods and Instrumentation 实验与仪器委员会


主席:Prof. Colin Rennie
Associate Professor, Associate Department Chair Director Civil Eng. Hydraulics Laboratory Dept of Civil Engineering
University of Ottawa, CANADA E-mail: Colin.Rennie@uottawa.ca

3、Committee on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems 水利机械和系统委员会


主席:Prof. F. Avellan, Dr. Ing.
Laboratory for Hydraulic Machines EPFL Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne Avenue de Cour 33 bis  CH-1007 Lausanne SWITZERLAND
E-mail: francois.avellan@epfl.ch

4、Committee on Industrial Flows and Energy Exchange 工业流动和能量交换委员会


主席:Prof. Y.A. Hassan
Texas A&M University Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, College Station
TX 77843-313 USA
E-mail: y-hassan@tamu.edu

5、Committee on Hydraulic Structures 水工结构委员会


主席:Dr. Hubert Chanson
The University of Queensland Department of Civil Engineering
St. Lucia, Brisbane QLD 4072 AUSTRALIA
E-mail: h.chanson@uq.edu.au

6、Committee on Fluvial Hydraulics 河流水力学委员会


主席:Ana Maria da Silva
Queen’s University, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Ellis Hall
Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6 Canada
E-mail: amsilva@civil.queensu

Division II – IAHR Hydro-Environment 学术分会II——水环境分会

1、Committee on Hydroinformatics 水信息学委员会


主席:Liong Shie-Yui
National University of Singapore Dept. of Civil Engineeringf
Kent Ridge Crescent 119260 Singapore
E-mail: cvelsy@nus.edu.sg

2、Committee on Ice Research and Engineering 冰研究与工程委员会


主席:Dr. Pat Langhorne
Department of Physics  University of Otago
P.O. Box 56  Dunedin 9054  New Zealand
E-mail: pjl@physics.otago.ac.nz

3、Committee on Groundwater Hydraulics and Management 地下水与管理委员会


主席:Prof. Xavi Sanchez-Vila
Department of Geotechnical Engineering and Geosciences
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Email: xavier.sanchez-vila@upc.edu

4、Committee on Coastal and Maritime Hydraulics 海岸与海洋水力学委员会


主席:Constatine Memos
Professor School of Civil Engineering
National Technical University of Athens,  Athens, GREECE

5、IAHR/IWA Joint Committee on Marine Outfall Systems IAHR/IWA排水系统联合委员会


主席:Philip Roberts   

Civil Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, Fulton, 30332-0355    USA 

E-mail: proberts@ce.gatech.edu

6、IAHR/IWA Joint Committee on Urban Drainage IAHR/IWA城市排水联合委员会


主席:Prof. Peter Steen Mikkelsen
Technical University of Denmark Institute of Environment & Resources
Bygningstorvet, Building 115  DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby DENMARK
E-mail: psm@er.dtu.dk

7、Committee on Ecohydraulics 生态水力学委员会


主席:Dr. Harm Duel
WL Delft Hydraulics  P.O.Box 177, 2600 MH Delft
The Netherlands
E-mail: harm.duel@deltares.nl

8、Committee on Water Resources Management 水资源管理委员会


主席:Dr. P P Mujumdar
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore 560 012, India                                 
E-mail: pradeep@civil.iisc.ernet.in

Division III – IPD. Innovation and Professional Development

学术分会III 革新与职业发展委员会

1、Committee on Education and Professional Development (EPD) 教育与职业发展委员会


主席:Prof. Michele Mossa
Full Professor of Hydraulics Technical University of Bari D.I.A.S.S.
c/o Via E. Orabona, 470125 Bari  ITALY
E-mail: m.mossa@poliba.it

2、Standing Committee on Global Water Issues 全球水问题常设委员会


主席:Prof. Dr. Ir. A.E. Mynett
Professor of Hydraulic Engineering UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education Westvest 7 2611 AX Delft  The Netherlands
E-mail a.mynett@unesco-ihe.org


International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research
China (Mainland) Chapter
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